I’m willing to bet that there are dozens of you reading this who believe you can’t sing, and perhaps that is true today. However it wasn’t always so, for almost every child in every culture sings both nursery rhymes and songs and rhymes of their own making long before they go to school. This is an observable and well known fact known to mothers, anthropologists and anyone who spends time with young children. Basically those early songs reflect joyful innocence and a growing awareness of the wonders of life. Unfortunately for many of you who don’t like to sing it is likely that in your early school years you may have had some embarrassing or humiliating moments from classmates or perhaps even a teacher which turned you off to the idea of singing. And of course there truly are some individuals who are tone deaf and for whom trying to participate in a group would be an invitation to disaster.

The Summerset Singers are comprised of individuals whose singing abilities runs the gamut from professional caliber to champions in the shower category, but we all love to sing. If you’d like to participate in a weekly get-together with people who genuinely like each other and who are blessed with a warm and talented director who helps us sing better we would love to have you come to one of our rehearsals and try us out. We gather in the Summerset III clubhouse every Sunday afternoon from 4-5:30, and always go home with smiles on our faces.

BUT WAIT … THERE’S MORE! Perhaps you aren’t aware that there is a second singing group in our Summerset World called the SONGSTERS! This smaller group, comprised of 16 members of the Singers, is our travelling team, our outreach to the community beyond the walls of Summerset. It is one of the best kept secrets around, but this active group is available to sing for birthdays, memorials, anniversaries, for shut-ins who don’t get out much anymore, individuals who are ill, and for residents of assisted living venues. If you are in need of musical entertainment please give a call. When asked why they are willing to put in additional hours to be a Songster their responses mirror a love for both singing and giving back to the community. Members are quick to respond to the question of ‘why’ by saying things like “it makes me feel good,” “it feeds my soul,” “When our singing makes people smile it fills my heart with joy,” ”When you do something nice for other people you get more out of it than they do,” “Music is my happy place,” and perhaps most touching of all “When we sing at a memorial service my eyes always overflow as we give a musical hug to those who are grieving.” Celebrating with music is truly a gift which keeps on giving.

Contact information for the SONGSTERS Cheryl McNish – 408-691-6235


Chuck Hunter – 408-205-0027