The Singers have enjoyed a warm but relaxing summer break, and now it’s time to start singing again. We’d love to have you join us as we begin preparing for our holiday concert season. Our rehearsals will commence on Sunday, August 18, from 4:00 until 5:30 in the Summerset lll Clubhouse. We are anxious to add new members to our musical menagerie, and if you’d like to become a member we’d welcome you with open arms. Of course if you just want to sit and listen that would be fine too!

This is going to be an exciting year with multiple opportunities for us to provide you with a good time. Based on our success with a sing-along program a few years ago we’re going to have another, and it’s happening soon! On Thursday, August 22, we’d love to see you at the Summerset ll Clubhouse at 7:00. You’ll enjoy a 50’s, 60’s and 70’s Sing-A-Long where, for the mere price of $10 paid at the door, you’ll be treated to appetizers and dessert and a rollicking good time singing old familiar songs and talking with friends. It’s a BYOB affair and a great time to break out your bellbottoms, polyester jump suits and mini-skirts! See the flyer elsewhere in this newsletter.

Jumping ahead to October the Singers will be hosting an elegant wine pairing/tasting party. For $35 you will be treated to a delightful cornucopia of wine and cheese accompanied by knowledgeable commentary delivered by a well-known and highly respected local wine connoisseur. This will all happen on Wednesday, October 23, at 7:00 in the Summerset l Clubhouse. The flier for this event will be in the newsletter next month and it is sure to be a sell-out, so don’t tarry when you see it.

Next up will be our holiday concerts. Shows on December 11 and 12 will be held in the Clubhouse of Summerset l at 6 PM. On December 13 we will perform in the Clubhouse of SSlV at 4 PM. Mark your calendars now.

Finally the year 2025 is a milestone for the Summerset Singers. It marks the 25th anniversary of their founding, and a celebration marking the event will be held on January 25th … 1/25/2025. Planning is well underway, so keep your eyes open for more information on this noteworthy event as it becomes available.

August 18 – rehearsals begin – SSIII clubhouse, 4pm
August 22 – Sing-a-long – SSII clubhouse, 7pm
October 23 – winetasting – SSI clubhouse, 7pm
December 11 – holiday show – SSI clubhouse, 6pm
December 12 – holiday show – SSI clubhouse, 6pm
December 13 – holiday show – SSIV clubhouse, 4pm
January 25 – 25th anniversary party – TBA

Chuck Hunter – 408-205-0027