Happy Holidays to All……..no, no, this can’t be right!
The holidays are a long time away……..I just celebrated New Years, yes?

Oh, but I’m seeing Christmas trees and wrapping paper and all colors of ribbon everywhere……no, this cannot be right. I must be in a dreamworld. Do you hear what I hear? Wake up and get ready for a season of happiness, light, love and MUSIC FOR THE HOLIDAYS!

The Summerset Singers are very busy with weekly rehearsals, special rehearsals and at home rehearsals, all in preparation for the four concerts we will perform in early December. Attend one of our concerts and you will be in the mood to hum one of our tunes while you decorate and shop.


SundayDecember 84:00 P.M.SSIII
MondayDecember 96:00 P.M.SSIII
ThursdayDecember 126:00 P.M.SSI
FridayDecember 136:00 P.M.SSI

Tickets may be purchased from Activity Directors at Summerset I, II, and III. $20.00 pp.

Members of the Summerset Singers can also get tickets to you.

Oh, my, what a grand night was had by ALL on October 23 at the Wine-tasting party……tee hee, you should have been there; oh, you were there! I was pouring wine and writing notes in my diary so they can go in my memoir…you wouldn’t believe the stories I have! A BIG thanks to Curtis Stuteville for teaching us all about the wine, and what goodies to eat with each one, and whiffing the bouquet, about rolling the wine around in your mouth, and all about the color. Is there a degree in wine tasting? Wonder if they give a senior discount!

It’s not over yet……we have got a really, really, REALLY big birthday coming up in January, 2025, and we are going to have a C E L E B R A T I O N FOR 25 YEARS of SINGING. WOW!

Save the date: Saturday, January 25, 2025. 2;00 P.M. at SS III. See the enclosed flyer.

The Summerset Singers rehearse every Sunday at 4:00 P.M. in the SSIII Clubhouse. There is no audition, just show up and “try us out”. This is a wonderful group of fun and very talented people who will welcome any resident of Summerset.

Music is a piece of art that goes in your ears and straight to the heart”

Michael Ann Honea

Summerset Singers

925-516-9541, November 2024