Musical Direction

  •  Musical Director – Anne Andrego
  •  Accompanist – Rose Marie Forment

Board of Directors

  •  President- Chuck Hunter
  •  Vice President – Jo Ellen Felix
  •  Secretary – Larry Schaffer
  •  Treasurer – Sally Rubio
  • Member At Large – Cheryl McNish

Summerset Singers New Music Director

Anne Andrego grew up in Brentwood and now is raising her own kids in Brentwood/Discovery Bay. After graduating from Liberty High School she took a number of secondary courses, but mainly focused on raising her three beautiful children; Giada 18, Clinton 15 and Justin 12. She worked as an accompanist under the direction of Sue Stewart at Liberty high school for about five years. She then began to give private voice and piano lessons and has been doing that for 24 years. She has also directed a number of local choirs, served as worship leader, and led other small vocal groups over the years. She enjoys every aspect of music whether it be performing, teaching or listening.

She is excited to be part of the Summerset Singers, and is enjoying her time as director. It goes without saying that the members of the chorus feel the same way about her!